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Revised Syllabus - Affiliated Colleges
UG Programmes in Affiliated Colleges
Subject Codes and Titles for UG Programmes from the Academic Year 2016-2017 (Sixth Semester)
Subject Codes and Title for the UG Programmes from the Academic Year 2017-2018 (I to IVth Semester)
Subject Codes and Title for the UG Programmes from the Academic Year 2017-2018 (V and VIth Semester)
Subject Codes and Title for the BHRD Programme - 2018-2019
Subject Codes and Title for the UG Humanities Programmes from the Academic Year 2020-2021 (I and II Semester)
Subject Codes and Title for the UG Humanities Programmes from the Academic Year 2020-2021 (III to VI Semester)
Subject Codes and Title for the UG Science Programmes from the Academic Year 2020-2021 (I and II Semester)
Subject Codes and Title for the UG Science Programmes from the Academic Year 2020-2021 (III Semester)
Subject Codes and Title for the UG Commerce Programmes from the Academic Year 2020-2021 (I and II Semester)
Subject Codes and Title for the UG Commerce Programmes from the Academic Year 2020-2021 (III to VI Semester)
Subject Codes and Title for the UG Part I Languages from the Academic Year 2020-2021 (I and II Semester)
Subject Codes and Title for the PG Programme from the Academic Year 2020-2021 (I and II Semester)
Subject Codes and Title for the PG Programme from the Academic Year 2020-2021 (III and IV Semester)
PG Programmes in Affiliated Colleges
Subject Codes and Titles for PG Programmes from the Academic Year 2017-2018
Subject Codes and Titles for M.Phil Programmes from the Academic Year 2018-2019
Bachelor of Human Resource Development - Syllabus - I to VI Semesters
Humanities - Semesters I & II Course Structure (2020-21 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Science - Semesters I & II Course Structure (2020-21 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Commerce - Semesters I & II Course Structure (2020-21 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Semesters I & II Syllabus (2020-21 Batch) - UG & PG - Affiliated Colleges
Semesters III-VI Syllabus (2020-21 Batch) - UG & PG - Affiliated Colleges
Semesters I to VI UG Syllabus- I to IV PG Syllabus - (2021-2022 Batch) - Affiliated Colleges
B.A. Social Work I & II Sem. - (2022-23 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.A. Social Work III & IV Sem. - (2022-23 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.A. Social Work V & VI Sem. - (2022-23 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Com Banking & E-Commerce I to VI - (2022-23 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.B.A - Aviation Management I_VI Sem - (2022-23 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc.Criminology & Forensic Science III to VI Sem - (2022-23 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence - (2022-23 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
Semesters I to VI UG Syllabus- I to IV PG Syllabus - (2024-2025 Batch) - Affiliated Colleges
Part I Arabic - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Part I French - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Part I Hindi I to IV Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Part I Malayalam - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Part I Sanskrit I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Part I Sanskrit III & IV Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Part I Tamil (For B.A., Tamil Students only) I to IV Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Part I பொதுத்தமிழ் (For B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., B.B.A., except B.A., Tamil) I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Part I பொதுத்தமிழ் (For B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., B.B.A., except B.A., Tamil) III & IV Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Part II English - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Part IV Environmental Studies III Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Part IV Value Based Education IV Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.A. English I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.A. Economics I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.A. Social Work I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.A. Sociology I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.A. History I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.A. Journalism and Mass Communication I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.A. Public Administration I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.A. Tamil I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.A. Arabic I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.B.A. I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.B.A. Aviation_Management I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.B.A Shipping and Logistics I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.A. Human Resources Development I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.A. Criminology and Police Administration I to VI Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Com. Banking and E-Commerce I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Com. Banking and Finance I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Com. Corporate Secretaryship I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Com. I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Com. Honours I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Com. Professional Accounting I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Zoology I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Chemistry I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Physics I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Biotechnology I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Geology I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Botany I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Food Science & Nuttrition I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Artificial Intelligence I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Computer Science & Information Technology I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Information Technology I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Visual Communication I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.C.A. I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Biochemistry I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Computer Science I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Hotel Management and Catering Science I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Mathematics I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Microbiology I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Psychology I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Statistics I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Electronics I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Electronics & Communication I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Criminology & Forensic Science I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Costume Design & Fashion Design I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Fashion Designing & Apparel Making I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Fashion Technology I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Physical Education I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Artificial Intelligence & Data Science I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
B.Sc. Data Science I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
M.A. Tamil I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.A. Tamil III & IV Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.A. Arabic - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.A. English - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I to IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.A. Economics - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I to IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.A. History - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I to IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.A. Public Administration - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I to IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.A. Human Resource Development - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
Master of Social Work - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.Com. - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I to IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Chemistry - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I & II - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Chemistry - (2023-24 Batch) - PG III & IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Mathematics - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I to IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Zoology - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I to IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Geology - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I & II - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Geology - (2023-24 Batch) - PG III & IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Microbiology - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I to IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Physics - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I & II - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Physics - (2023-24 Batch) - PG III & IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Botany - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I & II - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Botany - (2023-24 Batch) - PG III & IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Biochemistry - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Information Technology - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I & II - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Information Technology - (2023-24 Batch) - PG III & IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Networking and Information Technology - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I & II - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Networking and Information Technology - (2023-24 Batch) - PG III & IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I to IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Hotel Management Catering Science with Applied Nutrition - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Biotechnology - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I to IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Computer Science - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I to IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Nano Science and Nanotechnology - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I to IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics with Hospitality Management - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Dietetics and Food Management - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Electronics - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Electronics & Communications - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Environmental Science - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.Sc. Visual Communication - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.C.A. - (2023-24 Batch) - PG I & II- Affiliated Colleges
M.C.A. - (2023-24 Batch) - PG III & IV - Affiliated Colleges
M.B.A. I & II Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
M.B.A. III & IV Sem. - (2023-24 Batch) - PG - Affiliated Colleges
Semesters I & II Syllabus (2017-18 Batch) - UG & PG - Affiliated Colleges
Semesters III & IV Syllabus (2017-18 Batch) - UG & PG - Affiliated Colleges
Semesters III & IV Syllabus (2016-17 Batch) - UG & PG - Affiliated Colleges
Semesters V & VI Syllabus (2016-17 Batch) - UG - Affiliated Colleges
Corrected Course Structures of B.Voc Value Added Aquaculture and B.Voc Journalism and Mass Communication (2016-17) onwards
B.Voc. Fashion Technology - Sem. III & IV Syllabus (2019-20 onwards)
B.Voc. Fashion Technology - Sem. III & IV (2019-20 onwards) - Subject Codes
M.Phil Syllabus (2018-19 Batch) - Affiliated Colleges
M.Phil Syllabus - Core Paper I - Unit 5 - Affiliated Colleges & University Departments
M.Phil English - (2023-24 Batch) - Affiliated Colleges
Ph.D Course Work - Subject Codes
Ph.D Course Work Syllabus